티스토리 뷰


National Kits Pack by Hawke (Released 2018 / 05 / 12)


1. Includes (포함 내용)


    1) Ireland   2) Bolivia   3) Norway   4) Cameroon   5) Ghana   6) Ecuador   7) Romania  


    8) Burkina Faso  9) Ivory Coast   10) Thailand   11) Paraguay   12) Switzerland  


    13) South Afria   14) Honduras   15) New Zealand   16) Jamaica


2. Instructions (사용법)


    1) Copy " .cpk file " to download folder

       (cpk file을 다운로드 폴더로 복사)


    2) Run DpFileList Generator.exe

       (DpFileList Generator.exe 실행)


    3) Select cpk fies which should be in the DpFileList.bin

       (DpFileList.bin에 포함할 cpk files 선택)


    4) Generat DpFileList.bin using DpFileList Generator Tool 

       (DpFileList Generator Tool을 사용하여 DpFileList.bin 파일 생성)


3. Credit (출처)








4. Download (다운로드)