티스토리 뷰



Ball Pack V3 by danyy77 (Released 2018.04.23)


1. Features (특징)


   - Champions League : Finale 17, Finale 17 Winter, Final Kiev.


   - Supercopa de europa       - Europe League


   - Telstar World Cup 2018     - Bundesliga


   - Total 50 Balls 


2. Instructions (사용법)


   1) Copu " .cpk file " to download folder

      (cpk file 을 다운로드 폴더로 복사)


   2) Run DpFileList Generator.exe

      (DpFileList Generator.exe 실행)


   3) Select cpk file which should be in DpFileList.bin

      (DpFileList.bin에 포함할 cpk file 선택)


   4) Generat DpFileList.bin using DpFileList Generator Tool

      (DpFileList Generator Tool을 사용하여 DpFileList.bin 파일 생성)


2. Credit (출처)


    Danyy77, Cronos sajorno, Ppaaggpp


3. Download (다운로드)